Healthy YOU: Sports Medicine for the Weekend Warrior

February 10, 2023

Podcast Episodes
Podcast Episode: Sports Medicine and the Weekend Warrior

Host: Frankye Myers, Chief Nursing Officer for Riverside Health System

Expert Guest: Dr. John Barley, Fellowship Trained Sports Medicine Physician with Riverside Orthopedics

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Below is the transcript from this episode.

Frankye: From Riverside Health System, this is the Healthy You Podcast where we talk about a range of health related topics focused on improving your physical and mental health. We chat with our providers, team members, patients, and caregivers to learn more about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve overall physical and mental health.

So let's dive in to learn more about becoming a healthier you.

All right. I'm really excited to have with me today, Dr. John Barley. Uh, Dr. Barley is fellowship trained in sports medicine and is a physician at Riverside Health System in orthopedics. Hi, Dr. Barley.

Dr. John Barley: How are you? Thank you so much for having me, Frankye.

Frankye: Great, great. Happy New Year. Thank you. Yes, yes. All right.

Uh, we're gonna be talking about sports medicine for the weekend warrior, uh, which I have some background in. Okay. Um, I'm a former athlete and in high school and, um, for some reason, no matter how old I get, I still think I can keep up with that same pace and competitiveness, and I always get hurt. So I'm really excited to hear your viewpoint on this concept and, um, what you think about that.


Dr. John Barley: I'm looking forward to this conversation. Uh, being a former athlete myself, I, I, I kind of know what this is. Like, what, what sports did you play?

Frankye: Um, I actually started running track for high school in the eighth grade. Okay. By 10th grade, I had broken like 6 school records. I anchored the mile relay four 40 relay, I did the open 400 meter dash 400 meter hurdles, a hundred meter dash two 20.

I was literally the track team.

Dr. John Barley: I was gonna say, you, you're just the, the one, the one person team right there, huh? Yeah, .

Frankye: But if you paid me a million dollars to run right now, you'd have to call an ambulance. I'd probably

cardiac arrest.

Dr. John Barley: I, I completely understand that. If you see me running, there's a problem.

I will say that ,

Frankye: but every, you know, I still have that competitive spirit. . I've joined like these, you know, high fitness gyms and I always get injured and I know it's because I'm not really prepared. Um, and so in my mind, I think I can keep up, but my body is no longer what it used to be, nor have I done the work to prepare prior to going out and doing intensive


Dr. John Barley: Yeah. And I, I, I will say that I think that's the biggest thing that I find when I see patients that come in and describe similar things to yourself, right? Um, is that it? It is. When you're in a competitive nature, , it's it, you want to compete, you want to be the best you can be, right? Um, but when you're playing on a team, you're forced to do things right.

You're forced to train. Right? Uh, and, and in a good way, I describe to patients is there's a, there's the season, but there's a preseason mm-hmm. . And so when you're forced to have a preseason, It's a lot easier to get ready to go.

Frankye: Okay. Right, right.

Dr. John Barley: But when you have day to day, uh, whether you have a family, whether you're by yourself, a job, it all gets in the way. Um, and so trying to carve out that time becomes a lot more difficult. And that, and that's why we get into this kind of realm of what we call weekend warrior.

Frankye: Right.

Dr. John Barley: Uh, is is that thought process that really the only time I can go out and do something is those two days a week. Right. Right. And, and, and we do see a lot more injuries.

Frankye: Right.

Dr. John Barley: and a lot more overuse. Right. Uh, or injuries just from not being prepared like you're describing.

Frankye: Right, right. Uh, so for someone who has limited time, you know, some of the things early on, I remember being an athlete, it was all important to warm up and stretch. So any feedback or suggestions around things that you can do to prepare. just to make sure that you don't injure


Dr. John Barley: Yeah, absolutely. Well, let, let's go back. Let's, let's first define a weekend warrior. So, I mean, I think our listeners will understand it a little bit better. Yes. But I mean, so weekend warrior is somebody who is only gonna be exercising, really bulking all their exercise into those two days of Saturday and Sunday, right?

Uh, it can be other days of the week if we define it as the. , typical thought of, let, let's do it on those two days, right. Um, the, the recommended amount of exercise you're supposed to get per week is about 150 minutes of modern intensity exercise and about 75 minute or 75 minutes of vigorous. Okay. Okay.

Um, and then the newest recommendations are actually to throw some strength training into that at least two days a week as well. Okay. And that's, that's the recommendations from the cdc, right. . What happens is for a weekend warrior, it's kind of bunching all of that time into two days. Okay. Okay. And that's I think where we, where you can get into problems.

Right? And so the, the other one is, and I actually had to look this up earlier this week because I'm like, okay, what's, what's low, moderate, right? And vigorous. I'm like, because it for, for everybody's different. I mean, for me, A vigorous is pretty, pretty hard going at it. But, um, they actually recommend, they, the, the, the thoughts on it where they categorize is, is just kinda your normal walk around the neighborhood where, and they, they described it as where you can walk and talk to somebody but you can't sing.

Okay. That's kind of that moderate level of it. That's helpful. That's really helpful. And so that, that's that 150 minutes. Okay. If you can get that. , that's the thought process behind it. Now, vigorous is where you're gonna be jogging, running, and you really can't keep a conversation going without stopping to breathe.

Right? Right. Okay. And so I think that that's that thought process of, okay, where are we defining the amount of exercise we're talking about, right. And where to put it, right. Um, with weekend warriors, it's what we find is that, that that level goes. into the weekend. Right? And you're going 150 minutes is quite a long time, right?

If you think about it. Right? Um, or 75 minutes of vigorous. Um, and I will say being a former athlete, right, just like I said, right? I'm trying to define what that was as difficult for myself, right? And this is what I do every day. . Uh, so, so vigorous becomes, people go out there and are taking these high intensity interval classes, uh, and doing cross fit.

and I think these are all very beneficial, right. If done in the right way. Right. But I think it's also learning how to make sure we take our time into building up into that, right. Is where I see a lot of the injuries occur. Right.

Frankye: That's that's, that's very helpful. Great information. I know for me, I've had to.

Balance things differently because obviously I'm a weekend warrior as well. I have more time on the weekend, but I've found that there's things that I can do during the week, uh, when I'm watching tv, whether it's throwing in a couple squats or even just turning on the music and dancing around for a little bit and just, you know, staying agile.

So I don't think it always has to be so complex. Yeah. You know, to get some time in, so, yep, absolutely, completely. That's, that's great information. So, Dr. Barley, talk to me a little bit about why you decided to go into sports

Dr. John Barley: medicine. Yeah, it's a, I mean, it's a good question. I, I, I, I, I feel like I, I, I've had to answer this a lot throughout the years, , uh, and, and I, and I try to keep my answer similar cause I never want to have to be like, Hey, you said that differently before.

Yes, . Um, well, so like I said, I was a former athlete myself, right? Um, I play. Uh, I played every sport in, in high school and growing up. Okay. Um, really specialized in baseball and football. Okay. Uh, once I kind of got to the, the, the junior, senior years of high school, I ran track as well, but that was more just to stay, stay in shape, all training.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then decided football was my sport. Right. And, and my passion. And so I, I ended up getting a, a scholarship to play football in college and played at Liberty University. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Um, and, and, and that really kind of, Drove

Go Liberty!

Exactly. . So, yeah, I mean, and, and that's, that's kinda where it took me.

Right. And, and then it was kind of, do I want to do physical therapy? I knew I wanted to be in the realm of medicine in some, some fashion. Uh, and, and at first I thought physical therapy was where I was gonna go. Um, but I had a couple. , pretty influential right. Experiences, especially with injuries from myself.

Right. Uh, I, I dislocated my shoulder, had to have surgery. Oh. Uh, I, I had, uh, some injuries. I had an injury to my eye. Right. Uh, later on in my, my career, actually life bef before I kind of got outta college. Right, right, right. Uh, and some other things that kind of drove me into meeting physicians and, and seeing that interaction and that, that really drove me into medicine.

Okay. And then once I was in medicine, it was like, okay, where do we go from here? And, and, and I felt like every time I had another interest, Right. Yeah. I always kind of got pulled back to athletics. Okay. And so once I realized that I could do this specialty in, in, in what we call primary care sports medicine, right?

Um, it, it, it, it was just, it clicked, right? Um, and, and for me, I like being able to develop relationships with people, right? Um, and, and what I do allows that, uh, I get to be a team physician. Mm-hmm. , um, which means that I interact not just with coaches, uh, but my athletic trainers, administrators, players, uh, and, and we get to build this team perspective.

And, and that for me is kind of my mantra of like what we want to do going forward with anything we do right. Is working as a team and how, how we can better ourselves. Right. Um, and so I've, I kind of lucked into it and I will say it's, uh, I've, I've never looked back and, and don't appreciate all the, the help I've had to get here.

Right. Uh, and it, it's a great, great thing to do every day,

Frankye: right? And it, it keeps you tied to the sports that you so loved early on. Yes. Uh, in your, in your college career and even high school.

Dr. John Barley: Absolutely. And, and, and now having four kids, uh, I mean, I have three boys and a girl and, uh, I, I tag, they tag along with me and, uh, they're on the sidelines of games and, uh, I get to watch them grow and, and they're seeing what I do and Yeah.

Uh, even watching the, even watching games, they, they, they turn to me and I'm not watching the game. And that's, they're like, dad, uh, so-and-so just tore his acl. And I'm like, wait, how did you know that? So, so it is, it's interesting that way,

Frankye: Absolut. Absolutely. Yeah. And. You know, obviously all of us don't end up, um, going pro or professional, but the life lessons you learn from a sport.

Uh, the motivation and the teamwork are just hands down things that you can't recreate, right? Absolutely.

Dr. John Barley: Absolutely. How, how has it helped you in your career?

Frankye: Um, it's helped me a lot, uh, being, uh, a system chief nursing officer, you know, I have a lot of people on my team and so, um, you have to be able to rally the team and motivate them.

And I use a lot of the techniques my coach did to kind of get you out there and believe in yourself and you can do it and fake it till you make it . Yeah. So, um, I use a lot of those techniques motivate

Dr. John Barley: people. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I mean, it's, yeah. We do the same thing every day. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, whether it's with our athletic trainers, um, I mean, our team at Riverside here with our sports medicine team, and it, as it's growing, we do the same thing.

And that's, that's what we say. Just like you, I mean, yeah. When, when you come in and interview with us, we say the exact same thing, the team, and we're gonna work as a team.

Frankye: Right? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And you have to really be the change that you seek. Yeah. Um, um, to build a trust Yeah. Of, of your.

Absolutely. And be that role model, so Great, great. There. Can you provide a high level overview of what sports medicine entails, the type of patients you see, and you talked a little bit about that, but go a little bit more in depth maybe.

Dr. John Barley: Yeah, I, I, so I, I think we can go on two levels with that. I mean, I, I'll start more with like what sports medicine is and, and the patients that we see here at Riverside, and then I'll kind of go over like what our program looks like right.

And how that all incorporates. Right. Um, I mean, sports medicine is this kind of like evolving area, I will say. Um, and it, it's been, it's been around for years I think as athletics have grown, right? There's been more of that, that kind of niche area for it. Yes, yes. Uh, and, and at first it was kind of looked at as that.

Right. And now it's kind of like, okay. The answer always is like, who? The question I get is, is who? Who should you see? Right? Who do you see? Right. Uh, and it can be a lot of different ways to look at this. I know some providers who specialize in just the geriatric population in sports medicine. I know some who are just pediatricians who are just doing that, right?

Um, you can have the Paralympians, you can have, so I. Sports medicine is very broad. Right. And it can be created into what, what you want it to be in, in what we do here in the, the patients that I see, uh, it's a mix. I, I'm gonna, I see down to kids, right? Um, all the way up through that kind of school age into college, and then the weekend warriors like we talk about, right?

As well as the, the geriatric population, but more as, as the, the older population, as they continue to want to be physically active, right? I mean, and, and that's my goal , no matter where along that spectrum you fall is, is our mantra here is like keeping you in the game. But really it's, for me, it's keeping you active.

Absolutely. And finding out where that is. You want to be, and going along with that. Absolutely. Um, and so from the, like the higher realm of what our program looks like, um, we have a, a very broad, we're, we're a very diverse group in terms of, of all the specialties we have, I mean in terms of our orthopedic and sports medicine specialists, uh, myself.

and two other of my colleagues, Dr. Fleming and Dr. John Matio are both primary care sports medicine doctors. Right. Um, Dr. Fleming's a family medicine doctor like myself. Right. Uh, Dr. John Matio is a, a physical medic, uh, physical medicine and rehabilitation physician. Right. Um, and, and, and we do. that primary care sports medicine.

Okay. Uh, Dr. Cling, Scott Kling is our orthopedic surgeon who specializes in sports medicine. He did a fellowship in that. Okay. Um, and so that's our kind of pH the main physician team. Right. But we also at Riverside Orthopedics have, uh, foot and ankle hand total joint, and so we have the full spectrum. Okay.

And so it kind of mixes all of that together. We also have a large group of athletic trainers that I've been helping to grow.

Frankye: Okay. I was gonna ask about that.

Dr. John Barley: That for us has been, I. The, the biggest two areas of growth for us outside of the physician side is really with our athletic trainers. Right. Um, and, and our physical therapy department.

Yes. Yes. And we're seeing some tremendous growth in those areas and want to continue that are, are our athletic trainers are kind of that lifeblood of sports medicine. Right. They're the ones who are on the field. I mean, I can't be at every game.

Frankye: Right. Right. But they can funnel stuff to

you, right?

Dr. John Barley: as appropriate.

Yes, exactly. And that's, and for me that's the most important part is, is getting, getting to the, the patient when they need it most. Right? Because I mean, as a, as a parent, I mean, luckily I do what I do, so I know if there's an injury I can, I can manage it. But I mean, I've seen those parents when their son or daughter get hurt and they look at me like, what do we do?

Right? And being able to say, Hey, we're here for you. Just call this number and, and get in with us. Um, and, and we, we get our athletes in same day, next day. Yes. Um, we actually have a hotline number that they can call. Okay. The, the, our sports hotline number is, uh, 757-534-6767 and we can, we can post that and everything.

Yes, correct. Uh, but that goes right to our athletic trainer who handles those calls and, and will get people scheduled same day, next day with us. Right. Um, and, and we have contracts that we've been growing. Uh, we have a contract with, uh, James City, county Middle Schools. Okay. Uh, so we're the, we provide athletic trainers to them and, and we're the medical director for that part.

Right. Um, we are the medical director at Newport New City Schools. Yes. Um, and I do that myself. Uh, Uh, some of my other colleagues who helped me with that. Uh, I'm the, uh, team physician at Christopher Newport University. Okay. Yes. Um, and so we take care of that school as well. Yes, yes. Uh, I've, I've partnered with some of the other colleges in the area to help provide services, uh, and, and we're continuing to expand.

Uh, and, and so the, the more growth we can do, I, I, my goal is to bring , good quality sports medicine that is up to date, right. That we're, we're practicing, uh, up to date medicine for the area is, is what we want to do. Yeah. Um, and that's really been beneficial. Yeah.

Frankye: I know as a mother, uh, myself, a son grew up playing football.

It was really comforting. that I had those athletic trainers out on the field, he had a broken wrist. They keep the parent calm, they also make sure they hydrate and that things are being done safely. They'll insert themselves and then funnel, you know, um, those students where they need to be. So, um, I really applaud Riverside's commitment to being out in the community and providing that


Dr. John Barley: Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, it's, it's been something I've been really, uh, passionate about doing. . All right.

Frankye: We've already talked a lot about the weekend warrior, you explained that so explicitly. Any, anything else you think we should address or, um, uh, with the group


Dr. John Barley: Yeah, I mean, I, I think the big thing with the weekend warrior is really kind of, With that population.

I mean, I fall into it. So trust me, I, I know over the, over this past weekend, I was playing soccer with my kids in the backyard and went to take a shot and like my hamstring, uh, tweaked a little bit. So, I mean, little things like that are gonna happen. I, I think the big things are, If you're going to start, Hey, this is the new year, right?

There's a lot of people that are gonna be getting out there to start a new exercise program, right? So we're gonna have a lot more weekend warriors out there over the next month, and hopefully they stick with that, uh, that that program long term. Um, but number one would be. , if you're gonna become the thought process of exercising like that and, and the weekend warrior is, is a start slow.

Right? Okay. Uh, and build.

Frankye: Okay.

Dr. John Barley: Uh, like going from nothing to running is not the best choice in the world. Right? Okay. Right. Uh, let, let's go sl let's, let's slowly build up. Uh, number two is, is, is, is start a plan and have a, have a thought process of, of what your goal is long term.

Frankye: Mm.

Dr. John Barley: and build to that goal.

Okay. Because that's good. A lot of people will say, well, I want to be, I wanna run, I run, run a marathon this year. Right? Okay, well that's great, but how do we get there? And, and that's where, I mean, in sports medicine, that's where we can help you.

Frankye: Right.

Dr. John Barley: We can provide that. I mean, I, I, I, I tell my athletic trainers all the time, I see people when they're hurt.

But I would love to see people when they just want to come in and say, how the heck do I get from here to there? Right. Right. Um, and that, that would be a great day. Um, but yeah, I mean, really putting together a plan to build that. Um, if you're exercising and you're that weekend warrior who's been doing this for a while, and that's the only time you can exercise and train and do all this, make sure that you're trying to stretch appropriately.

Frankye: Mm-hmm.

Dr. John Barley: a good warmup. A good, cool down. Good. You're hydrating appropriately. You're sleeping well, all of this goes into it. Your nutrition's in a good way. Um, and, and for me, I mean my goal would be to get people to move from the weekend warrior to kind of more routine exercise. I mean, you even said it yourself that like sometimes even just you finding those 20 minutes in your day.

Right. I mean, we all do it. I mean, I wake up too early in the morning cuz I like to just be up. I sit around and I'm like, man, that's another 30 minutes. I probably could have just gotten on an exercise bike and rode a little bit, and so finding that little bit of time of throwing that in. Of, and that's gonna help build so that when you are doing the more vigorous activity on the weekends, you have a better base to build from.

Right. And so I think all of that in combination, I think Will, will make it so you stay out of our office . Right. Okay. Yes. Um, but I, I, I also think that when you start seeing problems, it's one thing to say, Hey, I'm gonna use a little ice. I'm gonna use a little heat. I might use some over-the-counter Motrin.

Those types of medications or things like that that you see a lot of people try. But if it starts becoming more routine and every time you're doing it or it's starting to affect your daily activity, that's when you really need to call and make an appointment with us and get in and, and get someone to evaluate it.

And it doesn't always have to be a physician, even just a, I mean, a Dr. Google isn't always the best choice, I will say. Right. Um, but I mean, just getting an eye, getting some eyes on that Right. To get ahead of the game because so many people will see us. Right. And they're like, it's been going on for six months.

Yes. And I said, Yes. Well, we could fix it, but yes. Next

time come earlier .

Frankye: That's good feedback. Are there some injuries that are more prevalent? Um, especially for the weekend warriors, but in general?

Dr. John Barley: Yeah. I mean especially the, the, the new to exercise in the weekend warrior type population, you're gonna see a lot more of those kind of.

Acute overuse type situations. So you'll get hamstring strains, you'll get shoulder injuries, you'll get ankle sprains. Uh, plantar fasciitis is a common one. Wrist tendonitis, depending on what it is, you'll get people who, I wanna play more tennis this year and all of a sudden come in with tennis elbow.

Frankye: Right?

Dr. John Barley: So I think it's more of those injuries. When you're not doing things often

Frankye: Right.

Dr. John Barley: And it becomes an overuse issue quickly. Right. Because you're not prepared for it. Right. That's what we see a lot more. Occasionally you're gonna see the, Hey, I tore my ACL right? Right. Okay.

Frankye: Right.

Dr. John Barley: But that's a freak injury.

Okay. Most of the time, that's not gonna be the basis of what we see from the weekend warrior. Okay. So that's it. It, and that's general. I mean, you're gonna see the bigger injuries, which hopefully you don't get .

Frankye: Right.

Dr. John Barley: Uh, but these, these overuse injuries are much more common. And, and, and those are the ones, I will say that become more chronic because A, you, you either, a, it stops you from exercising because you're like, well, I got hurt, I'm gonna quit.

Frankye: Right.

Dr. John Barley: Which I don't want them to do. Right. Okay. Or B, I'm just gonna push through it and it gets worse. And then you develop something else. Yeah. And I think that's, Making sure we addressed it earlier Yes. Would be better, more beneficial.

Frankye: Yes. I know for me, I have to, I already know that I have to do the modifications, uh, because of the repetitive bouncing or whatever's gonna aggravate, um, my knees.

Yeah. Just from. long term pounding on them over time,

Dr. John Barley: so yeah, absolutely. And, and that's, that's the other thing is, is that's a very good point you brought up, is, is really modification, right. If you need to Right, right. Like knowing your limits. Right. It's, it's e everybody can exercise right? , but, but just because the person in the video that you decided to do, which I love, right?

But because they're contorting themselves in this weird position or they're gonna do 25. reps Kind of say, Hey, today I could do 10 , and my goal is to build up to that 25. Yeah. But you don't always have to do that. And, and that's, it's a very important thing to learn. And as humans, I don't think we're very good at it.

Let's just say


Frankye: Right. And I know for me, as we're getting older, what I need to modify increases. And so just understanding that, that I'm, I'm not gonna be the same person that I was when I was younger and not gonna have the same resiliency and bounce back. Absolutely.

Dr. John Barley: That's the exact word I was gonna use, is resiliency.

Is that, I mean, everybody, everybody has a reserve when you're 18. That reserve is a lot higher, right? Where when you're, as you age, Either resiliency, the, that, that amount that you can recover from quickly right. Goes down. Definitely. And the work you have to put in increases. Yes. Uh, and, and, and it increases.

The hard part about it is it's always, you wanna look at the balance between input and output. Okay. Yes. But like, as you get older to get the same output, you have to put a lot more input into it. Absolutely. And that's, that's the more, that's the more tough thing to get

Frankye: into. Another thing for me is my weight.

Yes. Um, so as, as you get heavier, um, it impacts my joints differently. Yeah. Um, when I


Dr. John Barley: Absolutely. And that's, I mean, in terms of where you are, that's really a good way to look at things in terms of just taking that, that, that five second broad picture right. Exam of like, where am I, where am I at in life?

And, and going back to that goal setting. Mm-hmm. is, is what's the goal? Because if your goal is like, Hey, I want to lose weight then going out and just running right probably isn't the right choice for you. Right. It, it, it, we can, we, you can come in and work on a exercise plan or, and, and lose weight in a lot better ways and save your joints.

Right. Than just saying like, I'm gonna run. Yes. Um, and so I think going back to that goal setting of, of, Hey, this is where I want to be, and that's why in sports medicine, which, which is difficult is that one moment I'll be. Uh, an Olympic athlete, right? And the next moment I'm seeing somebody who's coming in with osteoarthritis and knee pain, but wants to be at the gym and exercising, right?

And so balancing your knowledge and your ability to shift of like the conversations are two totally different things with that group, right? But making sure you can become focused on what their goals are, right? And, and so like you said, is as we. The, the changes in our body occur that will create these, these settings where it becomes more difficult to do the same

Frankye: thing.

Right. Yeah. Great information. Great information. Um, thank you so much for joining us today. Yeah. Um, any questions for me? Well,

Dr. John Barley: I know, I mean, I, I really appreciate the time, uh, to, to be on the podcast and, and just try to get the, the word out there. I mean, we're coming. into 2023 now. Yes, we're here. Yes. Uh, it's upon us.

Uh, I mean, I think that we're seeing more and more people really getting involved in health. Um, I, I think all of the apps, all of the, the bands that you can use. Yes. I, I think all of this stuff creates a great resource. Mm-hmm. , I think it's very confusing. So, Of like, what's the best option for me? And, and sometimes just seeing somebody who knows Yes.

Whether it's, whether it's a sports medicine specialist, uh, uh, whether it's your family medicine doctor. Right. You can start at that level. Just start the conversation Yes. Of, of how to be a better person and, and in sports medicine. That, for me is my, my biggest. goal for a patient, right, is how can I help them achieve their goal long term?

Yes, and I mean, hopefully that even somebody can gleam a little bit of information outta what we talked about today would be a huge step in the right


Frankye: Dr. Barley, thank you so much for your time, your commitment, your dedication, and all the work that your team is doing.

Dr. John Barley: Well, thank

you so much.

Thank you so much and, and like I said, if, if anybody would like more information, you can find us online at Riverside, uh, on the website at Sports Medicine and Orthopedics. Um, if you wanna schedule an appointment with us again, it can be done online or. Through that hotline number, you can call our ortho office as well, or you can call the hotline number, uh, which is 757-534-6767.

Yes. Um, if any organizations in the community are interested in more information about athletic training services, sports, physical therapy, or physician coverage and, and other, other things that we do as physicians, please don't hesitate to call. Um, and, and, and we would love to partner with everybody. So please let us know.


Frankye: as a weekend warrior, myself. It's good to know, um, who to reach out to, um, if you, if you need support. So I'm gonna try to make you proud and not have anything. Go on and use some of the tips that you've shared today to prepare myself. Try to get more activity in during the week and not so much on the weekend.

Modify and just, um, try to stay


Dr. John Barley: Perfect. Well, I appreciate it, but if anything happens, you know where to go. Absolutely. 

Frankye: thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you everyone.

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Healthy YOU Podcast: Navigating Gynecologic Cancer

February 19, 2024
Learn More Episode 24: Pregnancy: What is the “fourth trimester”?