Urgent Care

M.D. Express Urgent Care Services

At M.D. Express Urgent Care, our team of dedicated physicians is experienced in a variety of illnesses and medical expertise. We pride ourselves on high-quality service with the best possible results, all at fair prices with friendly faces.

Our Services

At M.D. Express, our physicians are trained to treat most urgent medical situations. We provide most urgent care services on site. Critically ill or injured patients requiring hospitalization are stabilized and referred to your hospital of choice.


  1. Cold & cough illnesses: M.D. Express Urgent Care treats common illnesses like cough and colds. Colds are common during the fall and winter months. A cold is an upper respiratory infection most often caused by a virus. Colds can be transmitted through airborne droplets that are coughed or sneezed out of an infected individual. There is no cure for the common cold, but you can usually manage the symptoms until you get better. Small children are quite susceptible to germs as they can have repeated exposures within the daycare or classroom environment.

       Symptoms of the common cold include:

  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Low-grade fever

2. Flu illness: Flu is a contagious viral upper respiratory infection that can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms. Unlike a cold, flu usually has a quick onset of acute symptoms. The flu is spread through the sneeze or cough droplets from an infected person much like the common cold.

Symptoms of the flu include:

  • Fever usually higher than 100.8°, but not all people run fever with the flu
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose and congestion
  • Muscle and body aches
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea

3. Allergies: Perhaps the most common affliction during the spring and fall, allergies have millions of Americans sneezing during certain times of the year. Seasonal allergy symptoms begin when your body sees an outdoor allergen such as pollen as an invader, which triggers an immune response like an itchy throat, sneezing, congestion, watery and itchy eyes. Allergy symptoms can range from mild to severe, but can usually be controlled by over-the-counter medications that contain antihistamines.

Allergy symptoms: Allergy symptoms are usually classic and can come and go or last for weeks depending on the severity of your allergies. Common allergy symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy throat
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Sinus congestion
  • Post-nasal drainage

4. Asthma: Asthma is a respiratory condition in which the bronchial tubes that carry air into the lungs become inflamed. The inflammation is caused by a trigger such as allergies or an upper respiratory infection and this creates difficulty breathing. If you have asthma, it is important to know your triggers and manage the asthma before an acute asthma attack. Triggers can vary from person to person so it is important to find out what triggers your asthma and then try to avoid them. Common asthma triggers are cold air, allergies, upper respiratory infections, physical activity, flu.

Symptoms of asthma include:

  • A persistent cough
  • Wheezing
  • Chest pain
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Decreased endurance

5. Pneumonia: Pneumonia is a lung infection that is caused by a wide variety of viruses and/or bacteria. Pneumonia can form as a secondary infection from an upper respiratory virus such as the flu. The infection in the lungs causes the tiny air sacs called alveoli to fill with fluid or pus and can make it difficult to get enough oxygen into your bloodstream. Pneumonia can be dangerous for people with other health conditions, adults over the age of 65 and young children. Most pneumonias can be treated successfully with a course of antibiotics.

Symptoms of pneumonia: Symptoms of pneumonia can vary widely from mild to severe, possibly requiring hospitalization. Some common symptoms of pneumonia include:

  • Cough, possibly with discolored mucus
  • Fever, not always
  • Shortness of breath
  • Shallow breathing
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Low energy, fatigue

6. Dehydration: Dehydration can occur in any person at any age and is the result of losing more fluid than what is taken in. Dehydration can be dangerous for very young children and older adults. It can occur from having a gastrointestinal virus that causes repeated vomiting and diarrhea. It may also occur when you do not take in enough fluids during extreme hot weather or vigorous exercise. Severe dehydration usually requires medical treatment.

Symptoms of dehydration: Symptoms of dehydration can differ depending on age and severity. Young children can experience:

  • Dry mouth and tongue
  • Lack of tears when crying
  • No wet diapers for three or more hours
  • Listlessness
  • Sunken soft spot on top of skull in infants

7. Sinus infection: Sinus infections can occur after an upper respiratory infection or after allergies. Inflammation and swelling in the lining of the sinuses cause them to become filled and blocked with fluid offering a prime breeding ground for germs. Often, patients who have certain nasal conditions, such as polyps or a deviated septum, are more likely to develop sinus infections.

  • Symptoms of sinus infection: For adults, the symptoms of sinus infections include:
  • Facial pain or pressure
  • Congestion that is not draining
  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Loss of smell
  • Dental pain
  • Fatigue

8. Viruses: Viruses are the cause of many ailments from the common cold to the stomach flu. There is no treatment or cure for viruses, they usually have to run a course. Depending on the type of virus you have, some home remedies may be effective in helping to manage symptoms.

Symptoms viruses: Viral symptoms will vary depending on the type of virus that you have. Some common viral symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue

9. Others:

  • COVID 19
  • Gastrointestinal ailments
  • Sore Throat
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Gynecological complaints
  • Ear Infections
  • Bronchitis
  • Eye Infections

1. Fractures: A fracture is a break in the bone usually occurring after a sports injury, fall, car accident or a high impact force on the bone. There are many types of fractures that include: closed fracture, partial fracture, compound fracture, stress fracture and complete fracture. M.D. Express can offer assistance with some fractures to include x-ray and diagnosis. A fracture is usually treated with a cast or splint as the bone will need to be immobilized to heal properly. Occasionally, a fracture is severe enough to require surgery.

If you have fallen, or been injured in a sporting event or car accident and suspect you have a broken bone, it is best to seek medical attention promptly.

2. Sprains: Sprains are injuries that occur when ligaments become stretched or torn. Often mild injuries, sprains are most effectively treated with the RICE protocol. Rest, ice, compression and elevation are the best modalities to treat the inflammation from the injury. The most common body part to sprain is the ankle. Symptoms of a sprain include: pain, swelling, bruising, hearing a pop upon injury and limited mobility of the joint.

If you think you have suffered a sprain, try implementing the RICE protocol to reduce pain and inflammation. If you are unable to bear weight, have pain directly over a bone of the injury or have any numbness near the injury, you should seek medical attention.

3. Strains: A strain can occur when you overstretch or tear the muscles or tendons around a joint. People most often strain their lower back and hamstrings after vigorous exercise or lifting something heavy. The common symptoms of a strain are muscle spasm, swelling, pain, limited mobility of the joint and limited flexibility. Strains will usually resolve on their own; however, they may take time. The treatment for sprains and strains is the same: RICE protocol for 24-48 hours after injury. Sometimes an injury is unavoidable. Taking good care of yourself through regular 10exercise and stretching can help decrease the chance of a severe strain.

4. Lacerations: While most people have experienced minor cuts, lacerations are deeper with jagged edges which may require suturing or gluing to repair. The team at M.D. Express is highly skilled in managing and treating skin cuts and lacerations. After thoroughly cleaning the wound, and performing a physical examination, we will help determine what will be the most effective treatment to close the wound. The most common recommendations include: sutures, wound adhesives, staples or pressure dressings to ensure that the laceration stays closed.

5. Burns: Burns can range from mild to severe and they can occur when you least expect it. There are three primary types of burns: first, second and third degree. First degree burns for adults can usually be treated at home with first aid and, in time, will heal completely. Second and third degree burns should be evaluated by a medical health professional. These burns are more likely to become infected and possibly scar.

Burns are one of the most common household injuries and can be caused by:

  • Scalding from hot or boiling liquids
  • Flames from matches, candles or lighters
  • Electrical burn
  • Chemical burn
  • Sunburn

6. Abrasions: An abrasion is a wound that is caused by the skin rubbing against a hard surface. Children are prone to abrasions as they fall and may scrape their knee or elbow. Abrasions usually are not serious and can be treated at home with proper cleaning and covering to protect from further damage. If your child has an abrasion, you can apply a thin layer of over-the-counter antibiotic ointment to help prevent infection. If you are unsure if an abrasion is infected or more serious than just a scrape, M.D. Express Urgent Care is available 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for your urgent care needs.

7. Animal bites: If you or your child has been bitten by an animal, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if the bite is not deep, but breaks the skin, bacteria and infection can set in, which will need to be treated. After a bite, be aware of possible signs of infection like:

  • Redness around the wound
  • Warmth around the wound
  • Red streaks leading away from bite
  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Pus

Medical care following an animal bite is vital to reduce the risk of getting an infection, clean wounds of foreign bodies and immunize for tetanus. If you or your child has been bitten by an animal, M.D. Express is here to make sure you get the proper care and treatment that is needed to heal.

8. Eye injuries: An injury to the eye should be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible. Some injuries can lead to vision loss and will need treatment to establish the best possible health outcomes. One common eye injury is a scratched cornea. Your doctor will be able to do a test to determine if your cornea is scratched and offer you the proper treatment.

Another common eye injury is exposure to caustic chemicals. If this is the cause of your eye injury, it is imperative that you flush your eye out with cool water and see a doctor immediately. M.D. Express treats injuries of the eye and if you are in doubt – it is better to get it checked out.

9. Prevention: It is important to teach children the dangers of burns early. Keeping them away from the stove in the kitchen can help save them from the pain and damage of burns. Wearing sunscreen during the peak hours of sun exposure can help reduce sunburns. Always check the temperature of bath water before placing the child in a bath.

10. Foreign body removal: Foreign bodies refer to objects, such as splinters, buttons or even legos, that are placed in an area of the body where they do not belong, like the mouth, ear, nose, foot, eye or airway. Small children are most susceptible to ingesting foreign bodies or placing small toys in places they should not be. Foreign bodies may become lodged in a part of the body due to an accident, such as a fall or accidental ingesting. If you think your child has ingested a foreign body it is important to seek medical attention. In most cases, the foreign body will pass through the digestive tract naturally. Occasionally, a foreign body may need to be removed especially if they are causing pain.

A common foreign body in the skin is a splinter. Most do not require medical assistance to remove; however, the presence of a foreign body may cause infection in which case medical attention and treatment will be required.

See a doctor right away or go to the nearest emergency room if a foreign body is:

  • Blocking the airway and breathing is restricted
  • Stuck in the eye
  • Stuck in the throat
  • Causing moderate to severe pain

11. Sports injuries: Sports injuries are injuries that occur from engaging in a sport or exercise. Quite common amongst children, sports injuries are usually mild and will heal given the proper home care. Some of the most common sports injuries are: sprains, strains, tears, soft tissue injuries, broken bones and bruises. Overuse injuries such as shin splints from running, need rest to heal. M.D. Express treats sports injuries by thoroughly evaluating the injury, with x-rays if needed, and offering the proper treatment protocol. Depending on its severity, a sports injury may need to be referred to an orthopedic specialist to help plan the course of rehabilitation.

12. Falls and accidents: Falls and minor accidents are common reasons for aging adults to seek urgent care. M.D. Express provides thorough physical evaluation and management for geriatric related falls and minor accidents. We encourage all patients who have fallen or experienced a minor accident to seek advice from a medical professional.


M.D. Express Urgent Care is pleased to offer physicals for students enrolling in sports, employment physicals, pre-employment screenings, workers’ compensation and return to work evaluations.

  1. Choose M.D. Express Urgent Care For Your Physicals
    M.D. Express Urgent Care prioritizes efficiency, convenience, and quality healthcare for your physicals. With a commitment to providing prompt and comprehensive services, we ensure that your physical examination is conducted with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail. The experienced providers at M.D. Express Urgent Care are dedicated to addressing your specific health needs, conducting thorough examinations, and delivering timely results. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology, allowing for accurate assessments and diagnoses. By choosing M.D. Express Urgent Care for your physicals, you not only save valuable time but also benefit from a personalized approach to your healthcare, emphasizing both preventive measures and overall well-being. Experience the convenience of accessible locations, extended hours, and a patient-focused approach, making M.D. Express Urgent Care a reliable choice for your physical examination needs.

  2. Employee Medical Exams
    M.D. Express Urgent Care is pleased to provide employment physicals, pre-employment screenings, workers’ compensation and return to work evaluations for employees needing to comply with employer procedures and requirements.

    Physicals for work can include employment screenings, drug screenings, health risk assessments and post-injury exams. Work-related health screenings ensure that you are in good health to perform your job. The doctor can help identify any risk factors or health problems that may impact your job performance. M.D. Express Urgent Care also offers injury assessments and documentation for workers’ compensation.

    From pre-employment physical exams to general employee health exams, M.D. Express is the perfect place to go for quick employee physicals. These physicals document an individual’s general health as well as, in some cases, their ability to perform certain jobs. Physical ability tests may be conducted for potential employees in the manual and physical labor sectors. Abilities such as stamina, flexibility, and strength are most commonly considered. A pre-employment physical exam assures companies that prospective employees are physically and mentally able to take on the responsibilities of a job. In general, the exam includes checking a candidate’s vital signs, weight, temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. It may also include specific tests such as drug and physical ability testing. We are also here for any healthcare issues that arise while you are on the job.

    For employment physicals, we request that you bring the appropriate paperwork so that we can fill out the information at the time of your physical. If you need an employment physical, or have questions about getting a physical related to employment, please contact us at one of our five locations.


  3. Sports Physicals for Children
    A sports physical allows a doctor to do a general health assessment for your child to make sure he meets the requirements to participate in a sport. We will collect information on your child’s weight, height, blood pressure, vision, flexibility, muscle strength and reflexes, scoliosis screening and other medical health data. We will record all of this information on the sports physical form so your child’s coach will have a record to refer to in case of an injury or accident.

    Sports physicals help identify if your child has any underlying health conditions that could affect their participation in a sport. If your child is injured during a sporting event, a current sports physical will help medical professionals treating your child to make more accurate decisions regarding treatment.

    Generally, public and private schools require a current sports physical to participate in a seasonal sport. The sports physical lists an up-to-date immunization record as well as any medications that your child may require. The physical also provides medical instructions for children with special health conditions such as asthma or life-threatening food allergy. M.D. Express Urgent Care offers sports physicals for children planning to play a sport.

M.D. Express Urgent Care offers certain vaccinations for children and adults who are entering school or the workforce.

Vaccinations are an important part of preventative health care that help protect us from diseases that can have serious health ramifications. M.D. Express Urgent Care strongly recommends that children and adults follow the CDC Immunization Schedule.

As we age, our immune systems become more vulnerable, which can make it more difficult to fight off illnesses and various infections. For adults over 50 with chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or pulmonary issues, vaccinations are an important health care measure.

M.D. Express Urgent Care offers the following immunizations:

  • PPD
  • Tetanus
  • Tdap
  • Meningococcal
  • Hepatitis B


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