Please rate your agreement with the following statements:Which pharmacy? Pavilion Specialty Riverside Pharmacy Chesapeake (oncology) I understand the purpose of the Specialty Pharmacy Program and I am given adequate training to provide services to specialty patients. Does not apply Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied I feel the specialty pharmacy program is beneficial to our patients. Does not apply Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied I feel the providers and office staff are responsive to the recommendations made by the specialty pharmacy team. Does not apply Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied I work with other clinical staff to provide optimal care for our specialty patients. Does not apply Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied I work with other clinical staff to maximize cost effectiveness. Does not apply Very unsatsified Unsatisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied Our team demonstrates adequate interprofessional communication with provider offices. Does not apply Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied I am given adequate time to perform job functions and responsibilities. Does not apply Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied What is one thing that you would like the specialty pharmacy team to do that it is not currently doing? Comment Please include your name and phone number if you desire follow-up from your survey response:Name Phone Number