Paying for Healthcare Services

Updated July 31, 2023

We are pleased to share that we have reached a contract renewal agreement with Cigna, effective Tuesday, August 1, 2023. The new agreement ensures Cigna patients will continue to stay within the Riverside network of care.

Added June 27, 2023

In late June or early July, you may receive a letter or call from Cigna notifying you that Riverside may no longer be participating in its network as of August 1, 2023. It is important to know that Riverside and Cigna are still in active contract negotiations, and we are working hard to reach a contract agreement prior to expiration. No action is needed from you at this time. We encourage you to keep scheduled appointments with your Riverside providers through July 31, 2023. Additionally, in some cases, both state and federal rules allow you to request that Cigna allow you to see Riverside after July 31, 2023, if a contract agreement is not reached (see item 4 below)

Your health, well-being and access to quality and affordable care is our priority. You may continue to schedule appointments with your Riverside provider. We will keep you informed of any changes that may impact our network participation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

This includes all commercial PPO and HMO plans.
Currently, no action is needed from our patients. We are optimistic we will come to an agreement prior to the expiration date and will continue to share updates with our team members and patients. 
Riverside is currently negotiating a new agreement with Cigna. This takes place every 3-4 years. The current contract has not kept up with rising labor costs, especially those for nurses and other professionals that care for patients, and inflation in goods and services.  Cigna determines health plan increases charged to plan members.
As long as Cigna approved the patients stay, the services they receive will be covered at the in-network benefit level, even if they stay after August 1, 2023. 

 If a patient is scheduled for surgery prior to July 31st, please proceed with the surgery and post operative care. 

When starting or continuing a prolonged treatment or therapy, eligible patients may continue getting treatment from their Riverside provider for a period of time if our agreement ends. This is called Continuity of Care* and patients may qualify for Continuity of Care if they are pregnant, actively getting treatment for a serious and complex condition, are scheduled for a surgery, or are receiving treatment such as chemotherapy. You (Riverside) will need to obtain additional authorization to continue treatment should our agreement end.  

Encourage patients to find out more about Continuity of Care by contacting Cigna at the toll-free number on their Cigna ID card or they can call 1-800-244-6224. When calling Cigna, the patient should let customer service know they are in the middle of treatment. Cigna will work with the patient to determine their eligibility for Continuity of Care.

Riverside will work to ensure we can keep taking care of each patient. 

We fully expect to come to agreement with Cigna and at this time suggest no action.  We will notify you and our patients in advance if this does not happen.  

At that time, patients who have appointments and services scheduled after July 31st will be advised to contact Cigna customer service at the toll-free number on their Cigna ID card or they can call 1-800-244-6224. Cigna customer service can also work with the patient to determine if they are eligible for Continuity of Care.

Patients and customers should contact Cigna at the toll-free number on their Cigna ID card or they can call 1-800-244-6224.