Riverside is now offering some of our support groups virtually. Each one is a private, secure group, so the facilitator of the support group will send a “meeting invitation” to members of the group so they can join the virtual meeting using Zoom.
What you’ll need
- Smartphone or computer with a webcam
- Internet access
- Zoom application
What to do before the support group meeting
You should complete these steps before the date and time of the support group.
Step 1: Confirm that the camera works on your smartphone or computer.
Step 2: Download the Zoom application to your smartphone or computer. NOTE: You do NOT need to set up an account – you only need to download the application.
Go to the app store for your mobile device. Search for “Zoom.” Download the ZOOM Cloud Meetings application.

Download the Zoom application to your laptop or computer at https://zoom.us/download. Select the Download ZOOM Client for Meetings application.

Consider testing the Zoom Client on your computer to ensure your video and audio are working correctly. Visit the Zoom Test website by typing https://zoom.us/test in your web browser and follow the instructions.
What to do to connect to your virtual support group
Step 1: Find a quiet, private place to be while you participate in the support group.
Step 2: Be sure your smartphone or computer is fully charged or plugged in.
Step 3: The support group facilitator will email an invitation to members of the support group that will contain the Meeting ID.
When it’s time for your meeting
- Open up the Zoom application. Select Join a Meeting.
- Type in the Meeting ID at the top of the application. Then tap the blue Join button.
- Allow access for Zoom to use your camera, microphone, send notifications and tap the blue Join with Video button. From your computer, click Join with Computer Audio button. From your smartphone, tap Call using Internet Audio.
Thank you for your interest in our Virtual Support Groups. If you have any questions or need assistance please reach out to the facilitator of the group. To find that contact, please visit riversideonline.com/supportgroups.