Riverside Smithfield Hospital Public Hearing Details
Date: Wednesday October 13, 2021 – Riverside presentation begins at 11:00am
Where: The public hearing will take place virtually. It can be accessed by either the internet or by phone using the following:
- Visiting this web address: https://williamsmullen.webex.com/williamsmullen/j.php?MTID=m8a84dcdcbf6832732e59b112c3422ceb
- Calling in at 1-844-517-1271
- If/when prompted, the access code is 2341 638 6997 and the meeting password is SPtwPQJP233
Beginning at 11:00 a.m., members of the Riverside team will have 15 minutes to present their case in favor of Riverside Smithfield Hospital. Following their presentation, the meeting will be open to the public for comment. Members of the public will be called on to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes each. All participants who want to speak must access the public hearing at 11:00 a.m. to be registered to speak.
In addition to being able to access the public hearing from your home or office, we have set up two locations in the community where people can gather and access the hearing together. The Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad building and the Smithfield Center will both be available to gather and call into the public hearing together. A Riverside team member will be at both locations to answer any questions you may have on the day of the hearing. Both locations will be at reduced capacity, require attendees to wear masks and social distance from one another to control the spread of COVID-19. Feel free to come to one of the in-person locations or call in remotely.
We need as much support for Riverside as possible. Every person who speaks up in favor of Riverside moves us closer to getting our application approved and bringing a much-needed hospital to Isle of Wight County.
Need help crafting talking points? To see our talking points for facts & further information click here!
Do you have any questions we can help answer prior to the hearing? Email [email protected].