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Eastern Shores First Baby of 2020 Born at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital

January 01, 2020
Eastern Shores First Baby of 2020 Born at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital

Onancock, Va.– Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital congratulates mother Maida Chun and father Reymundo Mendez of Parksley on the birth of their son, Joseu Reymundo Mendez.

Mendez was born at 1:52 a.m. on January 1, 2020, making him the first baby born in the New Year on the Eastern Shore. His birth weight was 7 lbs., 13 oz., and he was 20 inches long.

A healthy baby boy, Mendez will be welcomed home by his brother and sister. Dr. Fayemi Johnson was the delivering obstetrician.

Published: January 1, 2020