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Riverside Regional Medical Center Joins National Military-Civilian Partnership to Improve Trauma Care on the Peninsula

April 18, 2023
riverside emergency grant

Riverside Regional Medical Center (RRMC) was one of 25 trauma centers nationwide to receive the Military Civilian Partnership for the Trauma Readiness Grant, a part of the Mission Zero Act legislation passed by Congress. The federal grant awarded by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services will be used to support the integration of military doctors into civilian medical teams at trauma centers such as RRMC. The shared goal of the Military Civilian Partnership is to provide military doctors with additional training and experience while simultaneously improving the nation's response to public health and medical emergencies. 

“This is an exciting opportunity for us to build on our existing partnerships with surgeons from both Naval Medical Center Portsmouth and Langley Air Force Base,” says Daniel Munn, M.D., Chief of Surgery and Director of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery at Riverside Regional Medical Center. “Civilian trauma centers like we have at RRMC provide military surgeons the opportunity to maintain deployment readiness while benefiting our patients by incorporating trauma techniques learned on the battlefield.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), traumatic injuries sustained from accidents are the leading cause of death for those 44 years of age and younger in the United States. There have been several lifesaving trauma techniques that have proven successful in the military, and if implemented in civilian trauma centers, could improve treatment plans and overall outcomes for patients. 

“This is really a three-way win – it benefits Riverside Regional by bringing in experienced military surgeons from different specialities into our facility; it benefits the military by giving their surgeons the opportunity to practice in a busy trauma center and maintain the skills they need to use when deployed; and it benefits our community by ensuring that we’re able to deliver the highest level of care to our patients,” says Michael Oshiki, M.D., President of Riverside Regional Medical Center. “As a career Army physician and commander of a military medical center prior to joining Riverside, I have seen first-hand how these partnerships truly make a difference for the military and the community.” 

Learn more about Riverside Regional Medical Center and its high quality care options today.