Obstetrics Gynecology Residency Program

Our residency program is designed to allow maximum exposure to clinical practice in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology while providing a comprehensive didactic program as a foundation for continued learning in the field. We turn out Residents who are not only capable of assuming independent practice responsibilities when they finish, but are also able to enter any fellowship program on a par with a Resident from an academic center. Residents from this program have gone on to do fellowships in virtually all sub-specialties recognized by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG). Each block has 4 weeks, 13 blocks per academic year.

In September 2024, we’re happy to have Urogynecologist, Matthew Tompkins, MD, join our faculty! He will have a resident paired with him for surgery and sometimes in the clinic. The curriculum below will be updated after his arrival.

Currently the curriculum breaks down as follows:

First Year Rotations:

  • Ultrasound - 4 weeks
  • Special Care Nursery - 4 weeks
  • SICU / Ambulatory GYN - 4 weeks
  • OB/GYN - 36 weeks
  • Gynecologic Oncology 

Second Year Rotations:

  • Gynecologic Oncology - 8 weeks
  • OB/GYN - 32 weeks
  • REI - 4 weeks
  • Elective - 4 weeks

Third Year Rotations:

  • Gynecologic Oncology - 8 weeks
  • Elective - 8 weeks
  • OB/GYN - 32 weeks

Fourth Year Rotations:

  • Gynecologic Oncology  - 12 weeks
  • OB/GYN - Remainder of year

Electives Are:

  • Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (can do additional)
  • Ultrasound
  • Urogynecology
  • Family Planning
  • Research
  • Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery
  • Antepartum/MFM

Experience Gained:

  • Total Hospital Deliveries for the 2022-2023 Academic Year - 2,830
  • Total Hospital Cesarean Deliveries for the 2022-2023 Academic Year - 757
  • Total Hospital Primary Cesarean for the 2022-2023 Academic Year- 409
  • Total Hospital Triage Visits for the 2022-2023 Academic Year - 4,720
  • Total Hospital VBAC Deliveries for the 2022-2023 Academic Year- 102

For the Residents who finished the program in 2023, they each averaged:

  • Spontaneous Vaginal Deliveries - 347
  • Forceps and Vacuum Deliveries - 22
  • Cesarean Deliveries - 300
  • Abdominal Hysterectomies - 64
  • Vaginal Hysterectomies - 22
  • Laparoscopic Hysterectomy - 109
  • Operative Hysteroscopy - 113
  • Operative Laparoscopy -137


We have daily Morning Report from 07:00 until 07:30. At this time there is discussion of all in-patients and a reevaluation of management and treatment plans based on current data. There is a Grand Rounds Presentation in Medicine on Wednesdays at 12:00pm and a Grand Rounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology available remotely Thursday mornings.  Every quarter, we have our Morbidity and Mortality Conference in Ob/Gyn. Gynecologic Oncology conferences are on a one-to-one basis during the Gyn/Onc rotations. Every Thursday afternoon is protected time dedicated to didactic presentations. This includes MFM, faculty and resident led lectures, as well as guest speakers. Journal Club is rotated through this time, once a quarter. There are other lectures on diverse subjects like legal medicine, ethics, office management, and coding mixed in with the Thursday presentations. Residents and faculty contribute to a lecture bank that is available on-line. We have a monthly skills lab in our Simulation Lab and various in-services such as IUD boot Camp, Hysteroscopy Lab, Laparoscopy Lab and suture workshops. We also have multidisciplinary drills including postpartum hemorrhage and shoulder dystocia. Part of our program involves teaching third year medical students who rotate through for their core curriculum in Obstetrics and Gynecology.


This program supports research by both faculty and residents. All residents are required to participate in a research project that they will present at the annual Resident Research Day in June of their PGY3 Year. This project may be one that is carried through the entire last three years and reported on annually, if approved by the Director of Research. All residents are encouraged to submit papers for publication and posters for presentation at various professional conferences. Funds for their attendance are provided from a yearly conference allowance.


Our "First Take" Written Board pass percentage over the past five years is 93% for Obstetrics and Gynecology. The first time pass rate for the full time Ob/Gyn residents for the past five years has been 93%.