Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S., but careful monitoring and lifestyle changes can cut risk factors for most folks.
On Feb. 28, 2020, Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital in Onancock, Virginia will sponsor a program offering a generous helping of heart-related education and medical screenings.
The event kicks off at 8 a.m. with important screenings, including lipids, blood pressure and blood sugars, to give attendees a good indication of your overall heart health.
At 9:30 a.m. experts will share advice on what is new in staying heart healthy, along with the importance of an advance directive and the role medications play in staying heart healthy.
The event is free and open to anyone who is interested, but space is limited. Call 757-302-2297 to reserve a spot or for more information.
Published: February 7, 2020