Meredith A. Hays, D.O., MPH, FACP
Program Director, Hospice & Palliative Care, Internal Medicine
Undergraduate Education: Drake University, Environmental Science
Medical School: Midwestern University, Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency/Fellowship Training: Internal Medicine at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, General Internal Medicine Fellowship at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship at National Institutes of Health
IM Areas of Interest: Medical education, DEI, encouraging and providing the resources for others to start difficult conversations and provide quality primary palliative care
Personal Hobbies: travel, gardening, reading, museums
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: "Life is short, find the funny."
Teaching/Training Philosophy: Take a breath, then listen---listen to your patients, your colleagues, staff and attendings. Take ownership of your patients and your education. If you can do these things, it will all fall into place.
Why Riverside?: Outstanding care to the community and sense of responsibility to community needs; truly great people; strong GME support from leadership and a true desire to make resident education and patient care part of the Riverside philosophy.
Advice To Residency Candidates: Be yourself. Ask questions and observe! Remember, you are interviewing a program as much as they are interviewing you. And at the end of the day, no matter where you go, you can learn from anyone - so take advantage of those opportunities!

Alison Helmkamp, D.O.
Associate Program Director - Outpatient
Undergraduate Education: Barnard College, NYC
Medical School: NY College of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury NY
Residency/Fellowship Training: Union Hospital, Union NJ (Osteopathic transitional internship) University of South Florida, Tampa FL (Internal Medicine residency)
Personal Hobbies: Travel, photography, writing and reading, painting
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: "Well-behaved women seldom make history"
Teaching/Training Philosophy: Good attendings aim to lead by example. Put the patient first in all your actions and decisions. Also, if you're not having fun (sometimes), you're doing it wrong.
Advice To Residency Candidates: Be honest, be curious, be prepared, and take advantage of time with the current residents and staff to ask about whatever is most important to you.

Camelia Pana, M.D.
Internal Medicine & Hospitalist - Core Faculty
Medical School: Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest Romania
Residency/Fellowship Training: Internal Medicine at Huron Hospital/Cleveland Clinic, Geriatrics at University Hospitals of Cleveland
Personal Hobbies: Nature, music, gardening
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: to judge you need to know
Teaching/Training Philosophy: Always ask questions, find out what the patient's story is, put yourself in their place to understand how to help best
Advice To Residency Candidates: Trust yourself, be prepared to work hard, but know you are going to achieve great things

Farhod Djuraev, M.D.
Internal Medicine & Hospitalist - Core Faculty
Undergraduate Education: “Iqbol” academic lyceum.
Medical School: Samarkand State Medical University.
Residency/Fellowship Training: Danbury Hospital in affiliation with Yale School of Medicine
Personal Hobbies: Table Tennis, I am member of Newport News Table tennis Club
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: “Doing the right thing is not always easy.” “Repeated thoughts become beliefs. Focus on positive thoughts to develop a positive belief system.”
Teaching/Training Philosophy: I aim to bring open mind and positive attitude to create supportive and inclusive environment.
Advice to Residency Candidates: Be honest and self-reflective; programs appreciate candidates who are both introspective and genuine.

Jerry McQuain, MPT, D.O.
Internal Medicine & Hospitalist - Core Faculty
Undergraduate Education: WVU Bachelor of Arts and Master of Physical Therapy
Medical School: Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency/Fellowship Training: St Joseph Hospital Internal Medicine, Denver CO
Fellowship: Integrative Medicine, Univ of AZ Tucson AZ and Hospice /Palliative Medicine, EVMS, Norfolk, VA
Personal Hobbies: Running, Yoga, Cooking
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: Life is Good.
Teaching/Training Philosophy: Learn at least one thing each day, learn from all those around you and trust yourself. Be kind to others and enjoy the residency experience. Remember the person you want to be and stay true to that.
Advice To Residency Candidates: Be open and honest during the application process. Do your research prior to interviews and seek out those programs that excite you. You have made it here based on your academic performance. Interview season is where you can shine as a an individual and let your personality come through.

Vance Barksdale, M.D.
Internal Medicine & Hospitalist - Core Faculty
Undergraduate Education: Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado
Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine
Residency/Fellowship Training: Augusta University - University of Georgia medical partnership, Athens, Georgia
IM Areas of Interest: bedside ultrasound and hyponatremia
Personal Hobbies: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, audiobooks
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: Being a physician is a privilege
Teaching/Training Philosophy: Listen to your patient's chief complaint and hone your history and physical exam skills. The majority of the time those will tell you the diagnosis.
Advice To Residency Candidates: Be humble, be teachable and learn to work well as part of the team. When you're looking at a program, consider the current residents. Are these people you want to spend 80 hours a week working with?

Erwin Rommel, M.D.
Internal Medicine & Hospitalist / Nocturnist- Core Faculty
Medical School: Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai, India
Postgraduate Education: Suffolk University Boston, Healthcare Administration
Residency/Fellowship Training: Saint Peter's University Hospital/ Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey
IM Areas of Interest: Medical Education, delivering cost-effective patient centered care
Personal Hobbies: swimming, cooking, reading, exploring new tech gadgets
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: Always dream big because dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action!
Teaching/Training Philosophy: 90% of your diagnosis comes from a comprehensive history. Spend time with patients, take a detailed history and you'll often find that making a diagnosis becomes much more straightforward.
Advice To Residency Candidates: Demonstrate genuine enthusiasm, showcase humility and eagerness to learn. Also, make sure to connect personally with your interviewers - it really makes a difference.

Huy Pham, M.D.
Internal Medicine & Hospitalist / Nocturnist- Core Faculty
Medical School: UT Southwestern
Residency/Fellowship Training: UT Southwestern
IM Areas of Interest: Integration of emergency medicine in Internal Medicine training.
Personal Hobbies: Tennis, Saltwater Aquariums, Cooking, Hiking, Travel
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: "The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it"
Teaching/Training Philosophy: Differential Diagnosis. You will arrive at your diagnosis once you have ruled out everything else.
Advice To Residency Candidates: Pick the program that fits your learning style. Don't be afraid to ask hard questions.

Amanda Bielski, MSW
MSW Program Manager
Undergraduate Education: Christopher Newport university - social work
Graduate- Virginia commonwealth - social work
Personal Motto/Favorite Quote: Time is a thief and a blessing. Don't waste it.
Teaching/Training Philosophy: Be invested, ask questions, practice.
Why Riverside?: We have it all at Riverside. Personalized experience and resources to solve the problems. The area has a lot to offer- diversity, activities, and variety in weather.
Advice To Residency Candidates: Honesty and humility are characteristics that you cannot fake. Be true to yourself and others will see that in your actions.